- helps suppress weeds and makes them easier to remove
- protects soil from compaction and erosion due to rain
- protects sensitive plants against cold damage
* Add mulch to beds if needed. More than 2" total depth of mulch is not recommended
* Compost is a mulch containing significant amounts of decomposed organic matter
* Compost, leaves, and moss, are effective soil builders
* Leaves provide good cover for bare-dirt beds and slopes
* Leaves left in beds can be raked up if they become unacceptably unsightly after at least some of the mass breaks down; or, till them back into the bed in the spring, or add more mulch later over the leaves.
* Keep mulch some inches away from trunks of shrubs and trees.
* For garden area's and closely planted beds, Compost is a good mulch to improve soil quality and provide organic nutrients.
* Cedar Grove compost is a good product, but I am not sure if it is recommended for vegetable gardens. It can be initially odorous and mucky during fall and winter months.
* Compost of variable quality is usually available at landscape materials outlets. Check for excessive sand and sawdust in mix.
* For open bed area's, play area's, trails;
* Arbor chips work well - they can be applied more thickly than other mulches, but may be more time consuming to apply, and variable in quality
* play chips can also be used as mulch but it will have a different appearance and color you may not prefer
* "Beauty Carpet" was attractive and conformed to play area specs. I am not sure if it was a compost, or if it is still available in the Seattle area.
* Coarse bark mulch will last quite a bit longer than finer bark
* Cedar chip mulch is sometimes available, - you may try Issaquah lumber.
* Dyed wood chip mulch if used should be certified not to contain shredded pallets before using it.
Respectfully, Don