donald len bassman / email:

Hi. I'm Don Bassman -

Denver - Capitol Hill based groundskeeper, I recently moved from Seattle, where the seasons are milder, and the growing season is longer. I am the author of the website, and may you find it helpful. I would describe myself now as old school, knowledgable in the ways of hand tools, push mowers, and brooms, and respectful of plants and environment. If you are in the Seattle area I can recommend my former crew leaders to you - Jorge and Luis Robles, who are very experienced and well trained. pride landscapes I would be glad to hear from you, if you have some need of my service, or perhaps it is you that have some advice for me! don-icon copyr 2007 - 2025 donald len bassman (P.S. I have been asked by Hannah Miller to include this EXTERNAL LINK to hannah and friends nice site for getting kids started with gardening): Gardening for Kids ----------------------------- more sites by donald bassman: Ka-chu Protective Facecover