Aphids (UC Davis )
Emerald Ash Borer (purdue)
Hemlock Wooley Adelgid
Armillaria Root Rot
Butterfly Bush Pruning (UK site)
Butterfly Bush Caution (OSU)
Madronna Problems (UW marianne elliot pdf)
Tent Caterpillars (CSU extension)
PNW Plants for Soil Erosion Control OSU Extension
Plant Growth Regulators
Environment Benefits of Healthy Lawns (UMN)
Carpenter Ants (WSU)
Sudden Oak Death pdf (UC))
Sudden Oak Death (Univ of Wisconsin)
Corn Gluten do's and dont's
Bed Bug Trap
Colorado State Extension Service
PNW Pest Management Handbook (OSU Extension)
WSU Extension Publications
WSU Extension Pests and Diseases
Center for Urban Horticulture (UW)
Wa. State Dept. of Ecology
Botannical Society of America
Plant Databases
WSU PNW plant database
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Plant Catalogues
Arboreal Links
WSU factsheet Assessing Tree Health
USDA Hazardous Tree Evaluation Guide
Tree ID (arborday.org)
Ntl Arborists Assoc.
Plant Amnesty
Integrated Pest Management ( IPM )
IPM Guide PNW (donald bassman)
What is IPM? (Bio-Integral Resource Center )
Hortsense (WSU)
IPM Resource (UC Davis)
Washington Toxics Coalition
Wa. State Pest Mgmnt Resource
Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook
Neem Tree (Village Volunteers)
Vinegar for weed control
(Heinz 5% Vinegar Safety fact sheet)
Fine Gardening Magazine
Landscape Management
Lawn and Landscape