MARCH Below is an extract from IPM MONITORING AND ACTIONS INDEX - Pacific Northwest authored by donald len bassman The full index, can be accessed at: https:/ The Index is searchable by text editter or browser using the terms below. The organization of this index is based on: "Landscape IPM Manual", 1996, Cooperative Extension, WSU and "Landscape Plant Problems", 1996, WSU, Puyallup. Your comments are appreciated. Donald Len Bassman Email ======================================= Many problems require only thinning and pruning of damaged wood. Other problems are not serious enough to warrant treatment. Know what you are treating for and when to treat. Below are listed key problems to look for, or action needed, now. Check the links on our Home Page for further information on least-toxic alternatives using Integrated Pest Management (IPM). -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- TERMS USED IN DESCRIPTIONS (use 1st four characters for searches) abbreviations: DFIR (douglasfir) CCYP (chaemycyprus) FRB (fruiting body) DCID (deciduous) CNFR (conifer) DEA (dead, death) EVGR (evergreen) BRLF (broadleaf) LEA (leaf, leaves) MANY (many, others) colors: WH BL BR YE RE GR locations: UPPR LOWR INNR OUTR NEW OLD TIP VEIN MARGin SUBSoil, SOIL-line, CROWn, LEADer pest: BACTeria VIRUs FUNGus CATErpillar MITE INSEct BEETle BUG (tiny critter) FRASs COCOon HONEydew CAST (skins) EGGs MASS (of eggs) WEBBing or WEBBed TENTs CASEs (pupal) SCALe (hard or soft) WOOLy-(scale, clumps or tufts) DUST PLANt ROOT / TRUNk / BRANch STEM / CANE / TWIG / BUD / SHOOt / LEAF / FLOWer / FRUIt CAMBrium / INNEr-bark /BARK GALL CANKer LESIon BROOm GTL (gummosis, tube-like) GSF (gummosis, sap-flow) TARBall FUNGus (or fungal) FRB (fruiting body) TLF (tube-like-flow) PPTB (papery tubes) MATted GOO POWDER FILM STREaks STRAnds SHEEts CHEWed NOTChed CUT PEELed XHOL (exit hole) SHOL (shot hole) PHOL (pin hole) BHOL (bore hole) SKELetonized MINEd CAVIty STUNted WILTed FOLDed ROLLed PUCKered DEFOrmed SWOLlen ROTted P/O (partly open) DROP (leaf drop) SCORCHed DIEBack WEAK (sparse, off-color) RUSSetted BLOTched MOTTled STIPplEd MOSAic SPOTted BANDed SPECked ----------------------------------------------------------- TERMS USED IN ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (A colon following a time period indicates the optimum time for action, example MAR: ) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JFM FMA MAM AMJ MJJ JJA JAS ASO SON OND NDJ DJF SUMMer WINTer FALL SPRIng ANTC (as noticed) MECHanical (physically destroy pest) CULTural (thin; change h2o schedule, light exposure, site, etc) DESTroy (remove and destroy plant) RPRUne (remove damaged parts) TPRUne (thin plant) RAKE (leaves and debris) REPLant (better hole or better site) NEEM LIME-sulfur SOAP (insecticidal) SULFur TANGlefoot HORT (summer oil) DORMant (superior oil) PSO (appropriate oil) BT IGR (insect growth regulator) HOSE-off LACEwing NEMAtode SAFEr garden fungicide BCS BORDeaux MICRocop NO-ACTION or XXX PREDator-natural PARAsite-natural Problems, Types, Symptoms, Monitoring, and Action [/P] [/T] [/S] [/M] [/A] ===================================================================== MARCH --- IPM Alert: Monitor or take action for the following problems: [/P] SPIDER MITE [/T] CNFR, SPRUCE, CCYP, THUJA, JUNIPER, FIR, DFIR, ROSE [/S] LEAF: BROWN, STIPPLE, WEBBED (fine) [/M] FEB: EGGS [/A] MAR: PSO, NEEM (use caution on blue plants) [/M] JAS, JUL: BUG, EGGS, WEBB, CAST, DUST [/A] JAS, JUL: HOSE, SOAP, PSO, NEEM [P/] APHID [/T] MANY [/S] LEAF: HONEYDEW, CAST, PUCKER, STUNT [/M] MAY, JUN, APR: [/M] AUG, SEP, JUL: [A/] ANTC, APR:, JUL: HOSE, SOAP, NEEM [A/] FEB, APR, MAR: DORM [A/] PARA, PRED [/P] ANTHRACNOSE (FUNGUS) [/T] DOGWOOD, SYCAMORE, MANY [/S] LEAF: BROWN BLOTCH, DROP [/S] TWIG: DEAD [/M] ANTC, JUN: [/A] ANTC: TPRUN [/A] ANTC: CULT (sun, air, RAKE) [/A] MAR: NOV: MICROCOP, NEEM? [/P] SILVERSPOTTED TIGER MOTH (CATERPILLAR) [/T] CNFR, DFIR, PINE, SPRUCE, FIR, HEMLOCK, RED-CEDAR [/S] LEAF: CUT, TENTS, DEFOLIATE [/M] ANTC, SEP: and MAR: LEAF [/M] DEC, JAN, NOV: TENTS [/A] MAR: SEP: BT, NEEM? [/A] DEC, JAN, NOV: MECH (remove tents) [/P] JUNIPER SCALE [/T] JUNIPER, ARBORVITAE, CCYP [/S] LEAF: DISCOLOR, BROWN, SCALE, HONEY-DEW [/S] PLANT: WEAK, DEATH [/M] APR, MAR: [/A] APR, MAR: NEEM, PSO, SOAP, IGR [/P] JUNIPER WEBWORM (CATERPILLAR) [/T] JUNIPER [/S] LEAF: DISCOLOR, BROWN, WEBBING, FRASS [/S] PLANT: WEAK, DEAD [/M] ANTC, MAR: SEP: [/A] MAR:, SEP: BT, NEEM? [/A] PARA [/P] PHOMOPSIS TWIG BLIGHT (FUNGUS) [/T] CNFR, JUNIPER, THUJA, CYPRESS [/S] LEAF TIPS: DISCOLOR, BROWN, YELLOW SPOTS [/S] (TWIG, STEM or BRANCH): LESIONS, CANKERS, DIEBACK, BL FRB [/M] ANTC, MAR: yellow spots [/A] ANTC: RPRUNE, TPRUN [/A] APR, MAY, MAR: MANCOZEB [/A] CULT air, sun, moderate h2o & fert don't shear in spring [/P] SHOTHOLE BORER (BEETLE) [/T] CHERRY, PLUM, ALDER, ELM, HAWTHORN, MOUNTAIN ASH, MANY OTHER [/S] TWIG, BRANCH: BHOL, GSF, DIEBACK [/S] (INNER-BARK, CAMBRIUM): MINED [/M] APR, MAR: [/A] ANTC: RPRUNE [/A] DESTROY if serious [/A] whitewash trunks (if tree subject to sunburn) usually attacks unhealthy plants look for holes at bud and twig bases [/A] PRED, PARA [/P] BROWN ROT BLOSSOM BLIGHT (FUNGUS) [/T] PRUNUS, STONEFRUIT, QUINCE, APPLE, PEAR [/S] FLOWER: WILT, BROWN, GFB [/S] TWIG: CANKER, GUM, DIEBACK, FLAGS [/M] ANTC, MAR: [/A] ANTC: RPRUN, TPRUN, SULFUR, NEEM? [/A] MAR: LIME-SULFUR [/A] ANTC: MECH remove mummified fruit [/P] LOPHODERMELLA NEEDLE CAST (FUNGUS) [/T] PINE, esp western WHITE PINE, LODGEPOLE, PONDEROSA [/S] OLD LEAF: RED, BROWN, DEAD, (FRB under surface) [/S] INSIDE LEAF: DROP [/S] PLANT: STUNTED [/M] ANTC, MAR: [/A] ANTC: NEEM? [/A] natural fungi [/P] BALSAM WOOLY ADELGID / HEMLOCK WOOLY ADELGID [/T] FIR [/S] BUD: SWOLLEN [/S] LEAF: DROP [/S] PLANT DEFORMED, WEAK, DEAD, WOOLY-TUFTS [/S] TRUNK WOOLY-TUFTS [/M] WINTER, SPRING, MAR: *[/A] MAY: MECH hi-pressure water stream *[/A] JUN, JUL: NEEM (two applications) *(above recommendations per new info 3/2013) [/P] NEEDLE CAST [/T] FIR [/S] LEAF (OLD): BROWN, DROP,FB (lower all along vein) [/M] APR, MAY, MAR: [/A] ANTC: CULT (sanitation, air, weed control) [/A] ANTC: TPRUNE Spruce Aphid (Although Jan/Feb is the recommended time) - check Spruce's for aphids or prior damage early in month - Hose off / prune out damaged branches not likely to recover _____________________________ The following should be included in all routine monitoring programs [/P] RHIZOSPHAERA NEEDLE CAST [/T] SPRUCE, PINE, DFIR, FIR [/S] LEAF: YELLOW MOTTLE, BROWN, DROP,FRB (with small white caps) [/M] ANTC: [/A] ANTC: TPRUN, CULT (sanitation, air, partial sun) [/P] VERTICILLIUM WILT [/T] MANY DCID [/S] LEAF: WILT, DEAD, DROP, STUNTED, DISCOLORED, MARGIN BROWN [/S] CAMBRIUM: GREEN STREAKS, BROWN STREAKS if DEAD [/S] BRANCH: DEAD [/M] ANTC: [/A] ANTC: RPRUN [/A] ANTC: DESTROY if serious sterilize tools [/P] ARMILLARIA ROOT ROT (FUNGUS) [/T] MANY [/S] LEAF: BROWN, DROP [/S] (TWIG, BRANCH, CROWN): STUNTED, SICK [/S] (LOWER TRUNK @ INNER BARK, SOIL): WH FUNGAL SHEETS, GSF [/S] (LOWER TRUNK @ BARK, SOIL): BL FUNGAL STRANDS [/M] ANTC: [/A] ANTC: DESTROY [/A] MAR, FEB: BCS (3rd app) [A/] ANTC: CULTURAL improve AIR circulation especially affects lower branches, juvenile foliage do not overfertilize could resemble dog urine damage - db [/P] PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT [/T] MANY [/S] LEAF: WILT, YELLOW, BROWN [/S] (LOWER TRUNK @ INNER BARK): BR STREAKED FUNGUS [/S] BRANCH: DIEBACK, BEETLE INFESTED, CANKER [/M] ANTC: [/A] ANTC: DESTROY [/P] VERTICILLIUM WILT [/T] MANY DCID [/S] LEAF: WILT, DEAD, DROP, STUNTED, DISCOLORED, MARGIN BROWN [/S] CAMBRIUM: GREEN STREAKS, BROWN STREAKS if DEAD [/S] BRANCH: DEAD [/M] ANTC: [/A] ANTC: RPRUN [/A] ANTC: DESTROY if serious ___________________________________________ copyr Landscape Specialists, 2002 - 2013